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August 24, 2014

I remember walking into the dimly lit room, choosing a row from the many options that branched off from the aisle and unfolding the bottom portion of my selected seat, to watch The Lion King as it filled a large screen at the front of the theater.  I was just shy of double digits age-wise and had recently developed a love for Sour Patch Kids when I watched the transformation of an impatient lion cub who couldn’t wait to be king earn his throne. I watched as his spiteful uncle scarred by evil let his ill intentions loose on the kingdom and I watched as various animals sang their way through it all.

This weekend, I watched it through my daughter’s eyes and it was like seeing it again for the first time. The joyous yet challenging role Mufasa faced as he attempted to protect and parent Simba was more apparent this time around than I remember initially. I watched as my daughter smiled and laughed at a meerkat with a warthog as a sidekick. I watched as she cringed and wrinkled her nose at three hyenas (high-ninas as she pronounced it). I fell in love with the film all over again, an occurrence that seems to happen more often than not these days… such is the circle of life, I suppose.


  1. I so very much love that movie! I'm reminded I should watch it with my oldest son. More often than not, he has totally different tastes than I do. But I think every kid needs to at least see the Lion King once!

    1. Yes! I completely agree. The Lion King has a little something for everyone, doesn't it? Or at least I feel like it does. It really is one of the greatest (animated) movies of all time.

  2. So fun. We were just talking with our kids last night about movies and TV shows we watched as kids and they were laughing hysterically. So fun to see things through their eyes.

    1. Exactly! I think Lady and the Tramp is next over here.


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